into videos with AI voices

Transform your ideas into stunning videos with our AI video generator. Easy to use Text to Video editor featuring lifelike voiceovers, dynamic AI video clips, and a wide range of AI-powered features.

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Trusted by over 50,000 companies of all sizes

Create professional and engaging videos for every usecase

Discover effortless content creation in 4 simple steps

1. Start with your text, ideas, ppt, blogs or product urls


2. Choose and personalise your AI voice


3. Select media or let AI create


4. Preview instantly and perfect your creation

Add personality to your videos with engaging AI avatars

With Fliki’s AI avatars, you don’t need to be on camera or cast anyone to add a face and personality to your videos.

Comfortable on camera but short on time?

Easily clone yourself, your voice, and your personality to create videos that feel authentic with Fliki's professional AI avatar and voice cloning features.

No more waiting for voiceover artists and translators

With Fliki’s AI voiceover, choose from 2500+ ultra-realistic voices, translate into 80+ languages with one click, and even clone your own voice.

Loved by
content creators
around the world


people creating videos for social media, training, courses and much more.


satisfaction from 5,500+ reviews from G2, Trustpilot and Capterra


productivity improvement and create videos faster than traditional methods.

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Fliki for Enterprise

Create branded videos with security and privacy

Fliki is GDPR & CCPA compliant, working with 73% of Fortune 500 companies and empowering enterprises to use AI for high-quality video production safely and quickly.