Free AI Explainer Video Maker
Create stunning explainer videos for any product, service, or idea—no editing skills needed. Fliki’s powerful AI transforms your script into a compelling explainer videos in just minutes.
Trusted by over 50,000 companies of all sizes
Explain your ideas with clarity & ease
Fliki’s AI-driven explainer video maker helps you simplify complex concepts or explain your product’s top features—all with a few clicks.
What sets Fliki apart is its AI text to video capabilities and lifelike voiceovers, offering access to over 2,000 natural-sounding voices in 80+ languages. You can generate AI visuals or pick from a vast stock library of royalty-free images, videos, and music to enhance your content.
The platform’s fast and intuitive interface allows users to create explainer videos in under five minutes, making it ideal for businesses seeking quick content production. Fliki’s explainer video maker is the ultimate solution to streamline video creation, boost engagement, and drive conversions.
How to create an explainer video in 4 steps
Step 1
Input your idea
Write your explainer video idea or paste your blog post, script, or product description.

Step 2
Choose and personalise your AI voice
Once the script is generated choose a voice to suit the video from a selection over almost 2000 voices in 80 different languages.

Step 3
Add visuals
Explore our vast stock library with millions of media assets to find the perfect visuals, or let our AI curate media based on your text, while having the option to upload your own media for a personalized touch.

Step 4
Download your explainer video
Download your explainer video in Full HD and share on YouTube, social media, or your website.

Explore more on eCommerce
Loved by content creators around the world
people creating videos for social media, training, courses and much more.
satisfaction from 5,500+ reviews from G2 and Capterra
productivity improvement and create videos faster than traditional methods.
Frequently asked questions
Simply enter your text, choose an AI voice, add visuals, and export. It takes just minutes!
Fliki supports over 80 languages in over 100 dialects.
The AI speech generator offers 1300+ ultra-realistic voices, ensuring that you can create videos with voice overs in your desired language with ease.
Yes! You can start creating explainer videos right away with our forever free plan.
Not at all. Fliki’s AI handles most of the heavy lifting so you can focus on your message.
AI saves hours of manual editing by instantly picking stock footage, music, and generating lifelike voiceovers.